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charging electric vehicles with generators: A comprehensive guide


The automobile industry has been witnessing a significant shift in recent years. The rise of electric vehicles (EVs) has been nothing short of phenomenal, signaling a new era in transportation. It provides a clean, efficient driving experience and doesn't pollute the environment with carbon-fueled toxins. However, it still requires electricity, which can be problematic during a power outage.

This brings us to the topic of our discussion today - charging electric vehicles with a generator. This might seem unconventional, and indeed it is not the most common method of charging an EV, but under certain circumstances, it could be a viable option.

In this article, BISON will delve into the feasibility of using a generator to charge an electric vehicle, discussing the advantages and disadvantages of such a method. We will also consider the safety aspects of this process, guiding you through specific charging procedures to ensure an efficient and safe charging experience.


Feasibility and practicality of using generator to charge an electric car

Can an electric vehicle be charged with a generator? Most electric cars can charge by any electric power as long as that power is delivered in a manner compatible with the vehicle. They can be charged with a generator, but electric cars can't charge while driving. However, like any solution, using a generator to charge an electric car has advantages and disadvantages.


  1. Emergency backup: Having a generator at your disposal can be incredibly useful during power outages. It provides an emergency backup, ensuring that you can charge your EV even when the power grid fails.

  2. Flexibility and convenience: Generators offer flexibility. They can be used anywhere, anytime, making them ideal for camping trips, long road trips, or in areas where EV charging stations are scarce.

  3. Range extension: A portable generator can effectively extend the range of your EV.


  1. Efficiency concerns: Charging an electric vehicle through a generator is less efficient than charging directly from the grid. Generators convert fuel (like gasoline, propane, or diesel) into electricity, and this process involves energy loss.

  2. Environmental impact: One of the main benefits of EVs is their lower environmental impact compared to traditional combustion engine vehicles. Using a generator, especially one powered by fossil fuels, to charge an EV somewhat contradicts this benefit.

  3. Cost: While the initial cost of a generator may not be high, over time running costs can add up, especially maintenance and potential repairs. Additionally, fuel costs are typically much higher than obtaining electricity directly from the grid.

While charging an EV with a generator is feasible, weighing the pros and cons is important based on your specific needs and circumstances. In the following sections of this article, we will delve deeper into the safety considerations, specific charging procedures, etc. Stay tuned!

Safety measures and precautions when using generator to charge your electric vehicle

Utilizing a generator to charge your electric vehicle (EV) can offer a practical solution in certain circumstances, but it's critical to take the necessary safety measures and precautions. Here are some key points to consider:

Generator type

The type of generator you use to charge your EV is crucial. It's highly recommended to use a pure sine wave inverter generator, not a modified sine wave generator. The reason lies in the quality of the electrical output. Pure sine wave generators produce electricity that is identical to the power supplied by the grid. This kind of power is essential for sensitive electronics, like those found in EVs. Using a modified sine wave generator could potentially damage your vehicle's electronics.

Generator size

The intended charging level, the size of the car and its battery, and the total amps and wattage supplied by the generator are some of the variables that will determine how much electricity is needed to charge an electric car. Because there are so many factors, it's hard to say with certainty what the minimum size an electric vehicle will need to charge.

Be aware that all generators currently on the commercial market will only provide Level 1 or Level 2 charging. Very few generators are capable of level 2 charging. A typical Level 2 charger requires around 5-7 kW, so a generator with at least a 6 kW output is recommended. Remember, it's better to have a generator with a slightly higher output than needed to prevent overloading the generator.

Fuel and emissions

It's important to consider the environmental impact and fuel costs when using a generator. Generators powered by fossil fuels emit greenhouse gases, which can contribute to climate change. Additionally, the cost of fuel can add up over time, especially if you're using the generator frequently. It is estimated that a small electric vehicle will require ten to twenty gallons of gas to fuel on a full charge.

Safety equipment

Note that the generator must be grounded when charging your car or vehicle. The generator frame often offers a sufficient foundation for the apparatus. The built-in charging system for some vehicles can sense that the generator is not grounded correctly.  This will help prevent potential electrical hazards. Furthermore, when handling fuel and electrical equipment, wear gloves and goggles to protect yourself from any accidental spills or sparks.

Charging electric vehicle with a generator: A step-by-step guide

Using a generator to charge your electric vehicle (EV) might seem like a daunting task, especially if you're new to the concept. However, with proper guidance and safety precautions, it's entirely feasible. Let's delve into the charging process:

Finding a compatible generator

Although most electric vehicles come with replaceable charging cables, there is no one-size-fits-all solution for the technology in an EV's onboard charger because it varies depending on the brand and model. 

The main challenge you will face is compatibility. Before using a inverter generator to try to charge an EV, you should:

  • For information on the particular charging requirements and safety measures for your EV, consult the owner's manual.

  • Examine the attributes and potential of the generator that you are thinking about.

Charging Adapter

Not all electric vehicles are built the same, and some may have limitations or require specific adapters for charging from a generator. Always refer to your EV's manual or consult the generator manufacturer for recommendations.

In the US, a 240-volt plug, also called a dryer plug, is necessary for many electric cars. Some models have a uniquely shaped plug that must be specially installed at home, and some vehicles that can use a "standard" 120-volt plug are now on the market.

Charging steps

Now, you have determined that you have an inverter generator with stable power and a clean, pure sine wave. Charging adapter is also ready. You checked the grounding and found it to be alright. You need to know how to charge your electric vehicle using a generator.

  1. Ensure the generator is in a well-ventilated area, away from any windows or vents to prevent harmful exhaust gases from entering your home or vehicle.

  2. Connect the charging adapter to your EV's charging port.

  3. Connect the other end of the adapter to the generator.

  4. Before starting the generator, make sure that all connections are secure and the generator is properly grounded to prevent electrical shocks.

  5. Start the generator according to the manufacturer's instructions. Whenever feasible, begin with the lowest charging rate. Adjust it gradually to between 28 and 30 amps. This is advantageous since it guards against overloading and preserves the generator.

  6. Monitor the charging process regularly to ensure everything is working as expected.

Charging time

It's important to note that charging time using a generator is significantly longer compared to conventional charging stations. Once more, the precise timing will be determined by the kind of car, the generator, and the overall quantity of electricity generated. 

Since most generators can only provide a level 1 charge, a full charge will take ten to twenty hours. A Level 2 charger can take 4-8 hours to fully charge an EV battery.

You must know that charging an electric vehicle using a portable generator can be slow and lengthy. Good enough, this type of activity is only sometimes an everyday activity. This applies only in emergencies. For this reason, you don't need to charge the car fully.

Exploring alternatives to charging electric vehicle

While using a generator to charge your electric vehicle (EV) can be a practical solution in certain situations, it's not the only option. There are other alternatives worth considering, each with its own set of advantages and limitations.

Portable power banks

Portable power banks designed for EVs are becoming increasingly popular. These devices store electricity and can be used to recharge your EV when you're on the move or during a power outage. They're compact, easy to use, and can be recharged from a standard wall outlet.

However, their capacity is typically much lower than a home charging station or generator, meaning they can only provide a limited amount of range. Also, like generators, they take time to recharge and may not be suitable for long trips where multiple recharges are needed.

Solar/Wind generators

In recent years, there have been generators on the market that rely on solar or wind power to generate electricity. Generally, these generators will only produce low-level electricity. Although this power can be enough to run several small devices, charging a car with this power will take a long time. If you plan to use such a generator, do not rely on it for complete charging, and do not plan to use the vehicle for more than a few short trips. These generators are intended to power small buildings like small houses and sheds or can be used for a few days during a minor emergency.


Charging your electric vehicle (EV) using a generator can indeed be a practical solution, particularly in situations where conventional charging options are not readily available. However, it's paramount to always prioritize safety and follow correct procedures. From choosing the right generator type and size to using a suitable adapter and following step-by-step charging instructions, each detail plays a crucial role in ensuring a safe and successful charging process.

Although charging an electric car with a generator is technically possible, this method comes with significant limitations and trade-offs.  Shortcomings in fuel-to-electricity energy conversion and potential environmental impacts make this a less sustainable and practical solution for everyday charging needs. Additionally, the generator's power output may sometimes match the voltage and amperage required for efficient electric vehicle charging, resulting in longer charging times and potential stress on the generator and the vehicle's battery.

Always aim to rely on the existing charging infrastructure whenever possible, both for its cost efficiency and its lesser environmental impact. By doing so, you can enjoy the benefits of your electric vehicle while also contributing positively to a sustainable future.

Call to Action

BISON are a leading Chinese generator manufacturer with an extensive portfolio of high-quality inverter generators. Our generators are crafted with precision, ensuring utmost efficiency and reliability. With years of experience and expertise in the industry, we have earned our reputation as one of the top manufacturers in China.

The BISON generator is one of the most recommended generators for charging electric cars. Not only is it the quietest on the market, but it also has a strong capacity and an excellent gas consumption rating. Using it, you customer can power multiple devices in addition to the exciting ability to charge electric car when needed successfully.

BISON invite you to join us on this journey. Let's work together to meet the needs of users charging their cars with generators and contribute to a greener tomorrow. Contact us today to learn more about our range of inverter generators and how they can benefit your business.


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